August 19: Hanging Out In Heidelberg

Today’s adventure is a simple one – hanging out in Heidelberg and preparing the Adventure Baby and me for my departure tomorrow. He is now all tucked into a garage for the winter along with instructions for service items to do in the Spring before I return in June 2024 for our next journey together. Read more of the details here.

When the Baby and I pulled into Heidelberg we followed the winding path of the Neckar River on the northern side of town. The water was smooth and deep green and sported a variety of boats as well as an arched brick bridge. Stone turrets of old castles stood in contrast to the hustle and bustle of cars and buses moving by. Throngs of locals and tourists walked along the waterway enjoying the views.

The Baby and I also took a few minutes to explore the Old Town, checking out the cobblestone streets and aged buildings before settling at a motorcycle camp south of town. While here I have disconnected his battery, labeled his parts (in German) that need to be replaced, and complied a list of service instructions for Spring.  

I have arranged for a ride to the airport in the morning and will be repacking my gear for the airplane ride home later today. Although I am sad to say goodbye for now to the bike that has become part of me the last 8 weeks, I am also filled with excitement to meet my new students for the upcoming school year, continue working with my tutoring clients, and reconnect in person with friends and family.


September 25: Perfect Pit Crew


August 18: Relaxing on the Rhine