July 27: From Russia With Love

Woohoo! Today’s ride took me inside Russia – briefly – and safely back out to continue my loop around Estonia. I hadn’t been planning on attempting to visit the Russian Federation but got a hot tip from two bikers from Sweden last night and decided to follow up on it.

I met Sven and Harold last night while unpacking my bike and we decided to share stories of our adventures so far. My ears perked up when they mentioned a small section of road that ran through Russia and was not monitored by border control. Apparently, motorists were warned they could pass through the zone if they did not stop in it.

Although the bikers had a cool picture of the Russian warning sign, they weren’t even sure at first which Baltic country the sign was in. We managed to narrow down the possibilities and since I was heading in that general direction today anyway, I decided to try to find it.

After traveling south on route 3, highway E264, and routes 44, 45, and 178 I got close to the small town of Lutepaa and struck gold. There was a bright yellow sign warning drivers that the territory of the Russian Federation was approaching and then a second sign I had seen in the picture the night before.

As I had already filled up my gas tank, I said a little prayer that the Adventure Baby would not have any issues and pressed on. After going several kilometers to make sure I had passed the zone, I turned the bike around and came back through, stopping just after the sign to take a picture.

I feel so grateful to be on this great adventure and to have briefly but officially traveled to the Russian Federation. It’s only been five years since I got my motorcycle endorsement, and it took me almost two years to conquer my fear of driving up my driveway out to the street. Even then, I was still so afraid of being alone I didn’t think I could ever travel by myself.

Learning to face my fears and take one new step after another has opened a world of strength, confidence, value, and adventure. Several years ago, I would never have thought I could drive my own bike, let alone travel solo to Prudhoe Bay, Iceland, and Nordkapp. So, when I stopped for a victory photo today, it wasn’t just to commemorate making it to Russia and back. It was a tangible reminder of the grace that God has extended to me as I learn to trust in Him.

Continuing my journey today, I was again struck by the beauty of the old and new in Estonia. Old windmills, stone churches, and ancient barns settling into the earth, all surrounded by fields of hay and wildflowers in shades of purple, yellow, and white. Weaving through many of these small towns were paved walkways full of youth on scooters and bikes, pedestrians of all ages, and even those in wheelchairs.  

In addition to seeing cattle grazing in the fields I was also treated to a glimpse of a red fox and quite a few sightings of white storks as well as a stork nest. What another great day on the bike!


July 28: Island Hopping, Estonia — Style


July 26: East to Russian Border