July 3: First Full Day of Sun!

Sun, glorious sun! Woohoo! Today was my first day in Iceland with no fog or rain – just magnificent sun. With my face shield clear and visibility high, it was hard to complain about the strong crosswinds on my way west and north to the small coastal village of Vopnafjordur to see the fjord and snow-capped mountains surrounding it.

Heading west on Ring Road today I was struck by how darn beautiful Iceland is. It seems that regardless of where you are on the island you are bound to encounter lush green meadows, woolly black and white grazing sheep, rippling rivers weaving through the rock-strewn fields, and waterfalls cascading off jagged cliffs. With the sun out in full force today it was such a treat to have a clear field of vision on all sides of me and off onto the horizon to gaze at the island’s majesty and grandeur.

With frigid temperatures remaining below 50 degrees and strong winds out in full force, I leaned into the wind, kept on alert for what I like to call “rogue” gusts, and braced myself every time a large truck passed going the other direction. Typically, I find motorcycle rides to be quite relaxing. However, I would have to say riding my bike in Iceland has been more like a full body workout experience.

As I traveled north on route 85 along the Vestura River, I delighted in seeing the beautiful wavy and intricate paths carved in the meadows by the waters making their way south from the glacier topped mountains above. Getting closer to Vopnafjordur, I could see the bright light and dark blue colored waters of the fjord, accented by the lush green meadows and rolling foothills on both sides and the white cloud dotted sky above.

After stopping in the little coastal town to gaze out at the fjord and eat a small snack, I headed back the way I came, grateful for another beautiful day on the bike and looking forward to a warm bowl of soup at my hostel tonight.


July 4: Chillin’ Out Iceland — Style


July 2: Puffins, Puffins Everywhere!