August 14: Sunny Southern California

Sunny Southern California. It’s been years since I lived, taught, and raised my children in Mission Viejo but there are still so many positive memories from the area. I spent the night last night in my old neighborhood and traveled north along the coastline today to Leo Carrillo State Beach, the place where my kids and I enjoyed camping and beachcombing.

After a wonderful evening sharing dinner and conversation with old friends I headed north and then west this morning along the California coastline through Malibu on my way to Leo Carrillo State Beach. Temperatures were mild and there was an ocean breeze much of the way making the ride both scenic and comfortable. The fact I could lane split to my hearts content anytime traffic piled up just added to the positive experience.

At Leo Carrillo I was able to park right next to the entrance and then hike to a small cove off the main beach that was a lot less crowded than the main area. The kids and I would play in the sand there and my older son would jump off the large stone cliffs while seagulls flew overhead.

I absolutely adore this portion of the coast because of all the variety – wide open beaches, sheltered coves, cliffs, tidepools, rocky outcroppings, and large swells. As I relaxed and looked out at the ocean, a large squadron of brown pelicans flew overhead. Then while I was posing for a picture, a seagull graciously photo bombed my shot.

From Leo Carrillo I headed north along the coast to one of my favorite restaurants in the country, the Taj Café in Ventura California. To be honest, I planned my timing for the last few days to make sure I could eat either lunch or dinner at this Indian eatery.

I ordered the rack of lamb chops tandoori which was barbequed with yogurt garlic, papaya, and pomegranate juice in an Indian clay oven and served with vegetable korma, garlic naan, and yogurt. The meat was cooked to perfection, and I ate every single morsel off the bones. I stayed in the restaurant longer than usual, hoping to build up more of an appetite so that I could finish all the crispy samosas that I had started earlier. These delicious turnovers are stuffed with potatoes, green peas, and exotic spices and served with homemade tamarind chutney. The food, service, and ambiance at Taj Café are all five stars. I would recommend this restaurant to anyone.

What a great day to be on the bike!


August 15: Golden City


August 11-13: Elated with Eleanor