July 4: Nature’s Explosion of Colors

Wow! What a way to celebrate the fourth of July. On today’s ferry ride from Whittier to Valdez, the Chugach and Kenai mountains provided an explosion of color that could top any fireworks show. This trip through the Prince William Sound provided an up-close view of one stunning glacier after another, framed by bright blue skies above and jade green waters below.

The ride from Anchorage to Whittier was both beautiful and exhilarating. As I traveled east on highway 1, I drank in the views of the granite, glacier-covered mountains, the changing blues of Cook Inlet and the Turnagain Arm body of water, and the multi-hued brown and gray colored mud flats. Wildflowers on the side of the road provided a colorful accent that framed the evergreen trees at the base of the mountains.

I arrived in the small town of Portage a little apprehensive about driving through the narrow, dark, one-way tunnel to Whittier. The tunnel is 2.5 miles long and poses a bit of a challenge for bikers as there is a small section of pavement to ride on between the two train tracks running its length. I was happy to see Mike Sweet, one of the HOG members I had enjoyed lunch with a couple days ago, working in the area. When I joked about the difficulty of the tunnel he pointed to a large train nearby, smiled, and said “Don’t worry. If you dump the bike that thing will push you through.” His joke was exactly what I needed to put my mind at ease, and I was able to drive through the passageway with ease.

Today was the perfect day to be leaving by ferry from Whittier as the town had a festive fourth of July parade replete with police and fire trucks and colorfully decorated cars. Bystanders lined the streets as the fire and police cars ran their sirens, the cars honked, and people waved. The Chugach and Kenai mountains provided a colorful backdrop for the patriotic display.

The ferry ride itself from Whittier to Valdez was off-the-charts spectacular. I have been told by many people that everyone traveling to Alaska should take at least one ferry. Now I know why! As the boat traveled through the Prince William Sound I was surrounded by a profusion of color. I couldn’t decide what colors were more captivating – the light green waters of the sound, the white and blue glacier-topped mountains with streams of water running down their dark sides, or the many shades of green evergreen trees dotting the shoreline and clustered on small little islands.

I felt so refreshed and alive, breathing in the clean air, feeling the wind in my face, and basking in the warmth of the sun. As we traveled through the water there was one delightful surprise after another. I was able to see a humpback whale, multiple otters, and several ice floes. Everyone on the ferry seemed in a great mood and I struck up conversations with several Anchorage residents. I will be leaving Alaska tomorrow but the memories I have from this big and beautiful state will remain.


July 5: Happy To Be In Haines Junction


July 3: Route to Seward Spellbinding