August 6: Million Dollar Day

Life is SO good! I literally cried with happiness today when I pulled up to the first overlook on the Million Dollar Highway and gazed out at the San Juan Mountains, the valley below, and the road snaking back and forth around the base of the foothills. I feel nostalgic about this road as I have ridden it each year for the past eight years, the first four on the back of a bike and the last four on my own.

The first order of business today was to take My Baby to the Durango Harley Davidson for a much-needed service. Thankfully they were able to bleed the rear brakes so they work again and tighten the steering head bearings so I have more control of the bike. The bearings had been so loose the mechanic could not measure the tightness on his scale. I have been servicing my bikes at this dealership for eight years now because of their level of professionalism and the quality of their work.

I got the bike back right after lunch and headed straight up to the Million Dollar Highway, the 25 mile stretch of road between Silverton and Ouray, Colorado. As far as Iā€™m concerned, this road sets the gold standard for all other rides to follow. As part of the San Juan Skyway, it twists and turns through three different mountain passes and offers spectacular views of the towering mountains, jagged cliffs, sweeping valleys, and winding rivers below.

It's not just the views that are awe-inspiring though. The road itself is an absolute pleasure to ride as it is in relatively good condition and curls and twists around like a long piece of string that has been crumpled up and then dropped on the ground. As there are many places with no guardrails, the rider gets an unobstructed view of the panoramic vistas.

When I first headed to Ouray from Silverton this afternoon it was raining, and visibility was reduced. However, I was still overcome by happiness to experience the wonderfully technical aspects of the ride with a bike in such good working condition. Another bonus was that traffic was very light and for much of the ride I was able to go as fast or as slow as I wanted.

I stopped for hot tea in Ouray and then rode south back to Silverton. Each direction on this road is uniquely wonderful. In my opinion the ride going north is a little more technical as it is downhill and there are more tight right turns. Heading south you get a little more of a thrill from the sheer drop offs as they are immediately to your right and often with no guard rails.

I had so much fun going both directions I decided to go north and south an additional time before heading back to Durango for dinner. What an awesome day!


August 7: Let me Tell-U About Colorado


August 5: Feeling at Home in Colorado