August 20: Idaho Has It All

Idaho has it all – long winding rivers, deep forested valleys, tall rugged mountains, lush green meadows, and vast rolling hills. Today’s ride of 350 miles from Boise, Idaho north to the mountain village of Stanley and then south through the Sawtooth National Recreation Area was full of one visual treat after another, lots of curvy roads, and excellent food.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the loop to Stanley and back today was the extent to which this route followed the Payette River. As I headed north on highway 55 this morning, I was first greeted by far reaching vistas of beautiful honey colored, rolling hills. At the little town of Horseshoe Bend, the road also began to follow the river, a large green and blue colored winding body of water with rapids as well as still pools of water near picnic areas.

Driving east from Banks on highway 24, I continued to follow the river as the road began to curve and climb up through the Boise National Forest. Clefts in the mountains appeared before me, creating beautiful tree – covered valleys in the distance. On highway 21 as I got closer to Stanley, the meadows on each side of me came to life with green and red colored grass and Williams Peak appeared on my right, towering over the small town.

I stopped at Sawtooth Luce’s for a delicious lunch. I savored every bite of my appetizer – baked goat cheese with grape tomatoes, garlic, fresh basil, green onions, and a toasted and buttered French baguette. The main dish was equally delightful – a mixed berry salad with strawberries, blackberries, shallots, shaved parmesan, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and sauteed garlic shrimp. I had more time than usual today and was able to read some of a good book while I ate on the balcony in the sun.

After lunch, I headed south on highway 75 through the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. As I swooped around one curve after another, I enjoyed more incredible views of the mountains and meadows. What a great day on the bike!


August 21: What a Treat at Twin Falls


August 19: Color and Beauty in the Desert