July 1: Heroes Among Us

Having just arrived back from a six-day adventure up to the Arctic Ocean and back to Anchorage I am filled with gratitude for the many unsung heroes who went above and beyond to help me achieve such an important milestone in my life. After surviving throat cancer and a difficult divorce two years ago, I began to look for ways to live life to the fullest, to challenge myself to operate from a standpoint of confidence rather than fear. In the past I had struggled with a fear of living alone. But what I have discovered since then is that we are never really alone. I would like to honor the kindness and generosity of the following people that came alongside me to help me reach another important milestone in my life – conquering the Dalton Highway.

James Siegel: Thank you for trusting me with renting your bike for such a difficult trip, driving me back and forth to your house, and being so flexible about the logistics. I couldn’t have asked for a more supportive partner.

Tom, Clint, and TJ at ASRC Energy Services: Words cannot convey how much I appreciate you fixing my flat tire, making it possible for me to complete the remaining 900 miles of my trip on my own two wheels. Although you typically repair heavy construction equipment you took my job on out of the kindness of your hearts and did an amazing job.

Dan and Carol Schwietert: My trip wouldn’t have been possible without your hospitality and mechanical know-how. Thank you for you hosting me for two nights, fixing my bag so the gas cans wouldn’t explode, loaning me a suitable phone mount, and charging my battery.

Bridget Bushue: What a woman! In addition to fighting fires in Fairbanks, you generously gave me the use of your house as a base of operations before and after my trip. Thanks to you I had a place to sleep, store my bike, prepare my bags for the trip north, do work on my computer, and make phone calls.  

Mike, Hardy, and Brad – I so much appreciate you helping me think through what to do about my tire, encouraging and affirming me, and welcoming me with open arms when I made it safely to Coldfoot.

Grant Myers and Kathy Nesper – I am so grateful to you for tracking me on my In-Reach device every day and being available to send help if needed. I ride with more confidence knowing you are looking out for me.

My Mom – Thank you for giving me the money to rent a SAT phone and buy the Garmin Mini In-Reach. I felt so much safer knowing I had a way to get help if I needed it.

My children – Ethan saved the day by insisting I check my tires in Deadhorse, allowing me to fix the punctured tube before heading south on the most perilous section of the Dalton. Eleanor encouraged me, easing my anxiety about the flat so I could get much-needed sleep and perform to the best of my ability in the trying circumstances the following day. Elliot manned the home front, keeping things running smoothly at home and allowing me to continue on my adventure. I am so grateful for the important role all three children play in my life.

Fievel (Liz) Mousekewitz – I so much appreciate you loaning me the panier bags for the trip and then graciously letting me off the hook when they were inadvertently destroyed. I could not have brought the gas and supplies I needed with me without your help.

April Falcon – I love the textile jacket you gave me. It fits great and kept me warm, even on Atigun Pass.

Ralph Crane - Your advice and personal connections were invaluable. Thank you!

Gene Lord – Thank you for putting me in touch with Dan and Carol. It was wonderful to have such amazing friends in in the Fairbanks area.

The Facebook community – I so much appreciate the valuable advice and encouragement given to me by numerous followers, members of Long-Distance Riders, and other groups within Facebook.


July 2: A Big State with an Even Bigger Heart


June 30: Delightful Denali