July 14: Love the Saint Lawrence!

What a delightful day! Today’s ride took me along the north side of the Saint Lawrence River in Quebec to a ferry in Saint Simeon with a spectacular detour along the way. I have found that the best tips usually come from fellow bikers and today was not an exception. Highway 362 had the perfect biking trifecta – numerous magnificent views, generous portions of curves and hills, and roads in great condition.  

Although I very much enjoyed exploring downtown Quebec, I must admit I am most happy bombing up and down hills and around curves on my bike with great views all around me. Shortly after heading east out of the city on highway 138, I was treated to a gorgeous panorama of the Saint Lawrence River in the horizon – stunning deep blue waters framed by lush green foliage in front of me and the Gaspe Peninsula beyond. The highway curved up and down and around as it followed a cleft in the valley on our way north.

About twenty miles before La Malbaie, upon the advice of a wonderful Facebook friend from Long Distance Bikers, I headed south on highway 362 to detour along the shores of the Lawrence River. I have to say this route is one of my favorites so far on this trip. This well-maintained road with almost no tar snakes or cracks, hugs the coastline as it dips and curves through little villages with abundant water and shoreline views. There was enough of a technical challenge to make the ride interesting but not so much that I had to tear my eyes away from the stunning views.

Upon arriving in Saint Simeon, I had a delightful lunch at a restaurant overlooking the river while waiting for my ferry. It was so nice to get caught up on some trip planning and phone calls while enjoying a great view and a good cup of tea.

The ferry ride across the Saint Lawrence has been beautiful, with abundant views of the river itself as well as the Gaspe Peninsula on the other side. Upon arriving in Riviere-Du-Loup I will be traveling another two hours north along the south side of the river to meet my host for the night, a charming Canadian who speaks almost no English. I am very much looking forward to enjoying a good meal together and practicing my French.



July 15: So Beautiful I Gaspe’d!


July 13: Parlez-Vous Francais?