August 16: Fun, Fun, Fun!

Fun, fun, fun! Today I was like a kid in a candy store – I couldn’t get enough of the sweet curves, delicious sunshine, and mouth-watering views.  From my perch on top of Hawk’s Hill this morning, my destination in Stinson Beach was just 20 miles away but a full 48-minute ride. That was my first clue that I was in for a real treat.

There’s something about eating in little beach towns that really appeals to me. So today I planned a trip to Stinson Beach. I had sampled great fish tacos there before and wanted a little excursion not too far from San Francisco as I had dinner plans with my son.

Before heading north, I couldn’t resist driving up to Hawk’s Hill in the Marin Headlands for another trip on the Conzelman Road loop. Bombing up Mccullough and then Conzelman Road, I was struck by the awe-inspiring sight of the Golden Gate Bridge resting in a bed of fog in front of the city of San Francisco with blue sky shining down on both. Wow! I gazed in rapt admiration as I watched cars on the bridge emerging from the mist and heard multiple ships blasting their fog horns in the bay below.

From Hawk’s Hill I drove north on highway 101 and then west on highway 1 through Mill Valley towards Stinson Beach. What a delight! I twisted and turned on a variety of curves under a canopy of Eucalyptus trees towards the ocean, breathing in the fresh forestry smell and the cool ocean air. After the intersection with the panoramic highway, I continued on a variety of fun and challenging switchbacks through rolling honey-colored hills and scattered trees towards the beach.

One of the most exciting parts of this ride was traversing a ridgeline in the Mount Tamalpais State Park area with thick fog on both sides of me. As I could not see anything but mist on either side of me, I had the illusion that I was driving a paved road through the clouds.  

Arriving in Stinson Beach, I had a delightful lunch of fish tacos and a chocolate tart dessert before heading south back towards San Francisco. The ride back was in some ways more fun as a larger portion of it was uphill and I was able to be a little more aggressive with the curves. I was having too much fun to count them, but I would say the number and type of curves on this short stretch of road rivals that of the Tail of the Dragon.

Once back in the bay area, I rode the Conzelman Loop three more times before heading back to my hotel room to get ready for dinner with my son. What an incredible day on the bike!


August 17: A Day of Blessings


August 15: Golden City