July 27: Delightful Day

What a delightful day! Today’s ride took me from Amherst through the southern end of Nova Scotia to Yarmouth in anticipation of tomorrow’s catamaran ride to Bar Harbor, Maine. I was treated to numerous views of the Bay of Fundy as I traveled along the western coastline of the province.

Much of my summer trip so far has been about traveling longer distances to some far-reaching point or trying to take in as much as possible of a highly sought-after attraction. For today, I thought I’d keep it simple so that I could relax, enjoy the ride, and even eat two meals sitting at a table! My route was just a little over 300 miles with no planned stops, leaving me time to make detours as the opportunities presented themselves.

I slept in this morning and then headed south along highway 104 and then highway 102 towards Halifax. The weather was warm, the skies were clear, and there were no crosswinds, making it possible for me to enjoy the rumble of the bike, the texture of the road, and the free time to think thoughts of gratitude.

I felt a lift in my spirits just after heading south on highway 101 as I began to see peeks of the Bay of Fundy and the landscape around me became more rural. I breathed in the scent of the farmlands and fields, admired the thriving orchards and fields of corn, and waited for my next looks at the water.

I stopped for lunch at the Green Elephant Café in Kingston, about 100 miles before Yarmouth. I have been eating so much deep-fried fish and really wanted something delicious that was also healthy. My goat cheese, spinach, walnut, and chicken salad with raspberry vinaigrette was mouth-watering and didn’t leave me feeling like I needed a nap at the end.

I decided to detour off highway 101 a little south of Kingston to visit Church Point, a small town right on the Bay. There were indeed several beautiful churches and numerous water views as I rode along highway 1 for several miles before getting back on 101. The speed limit was slow enough that I could gaze at the water, admire the beautiful houses and well-maintained gardens facing the bay, and take in the little marshes and beaches.

From there Yarmouth was just about an hour away, allowing me to arrive in town in time to eat at a local diner, pick up some snacks from the grocery store, and check into my hotel room at an early hour. I’m looking forward to reading a good book and getting a good night’s sleep before waking up early to catch the ferry.


July 28: Back in the USA!


July 26: Prince Charming!