June 20: Come Hither Smithers!

What a great day! I’m really beginning to feel like I’m on an adventure to Alaska. The further I head north the fewer Harley’s I’m seeing, and the more adventure bikes are on the road. Today’s ride was full of lush green scenery and ended with a spectacular preview of the mountains to come.

The views heading north out of Lake Williams this morning were a little more sedate that the ones I encountered early yesterday but pleasing to the eye nonetheless. As I traveled up highway 97, I followed the Fraser River most of the way into Prince George. The view was a striking blend of blues and greens as the lush light green meadows framed the darker green forests beyond them, the dark blue hills in the distance, and the light blue sky above.

Turning west at Prince George on highway 16 I noticed less traffic and an increasing abundance of lakes. I passed Bednesti, Cluculz, Tachick, Fraser, Savory, Burns, Decker, Broman, Barrett, Round, and Tyhee Lakes among others not to mention the Bulkly River and Nechako River as I headed west. Traffic was minimal and I was able to reflect on all that I have to be grateful for as I passed one beautiful body of water after another.

I have to be honest that I am a sucker for mountains and was hoping I might catch a glimpse of some today before I head north on the Stewart- Cassiar highway tomorrow. I was not disappointed. Shortly after leaving Burns Lake, I was greeted by my first look of Mount Forster and then shortly afterwards the prominent peaks of Hudson Bay Mountain.

As I got closer and closer to Smithers, the Hudson Bay Mountains became even larger and more striking, eventually dwarfing the town with their massive dark rugged peaks and beautiful white snow-caps. I felt like I had just finished watching a fireworks show that had started out beautifully but slowly and ended with a grand finale. What a wonderful day to be on the bike.  


June 21: The Bear Facts - a Real Northern Adventure


June 19: Sea to Sky - Top Ten Drive