August 30 - Taking the Gorge-ous Way Home

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Woohoo! It’s good to be home! Today was the last day of my 60-day cross country trip, a journey that took me to all 48 contiguous states as well as my version of the Four Corners. I grew so much this summer, primarily by challenging myself to try new things – visit new states, conquer new roads, and meet new people. When at a key decision point, I often asked myself “what would you do if fear was not a factor?”

When looking at possible routes home two days ago in Boise, I decided to stretch myself by taking the long way home. Originally, I had planned to go to a friend’s house in Bend and then to West Linn. Since my friend became ill and a visit with her was not possible, I decided to head the opposite direction to try a new road – Lolo Pass.  Last night after completing the pass I drove two hours west through Montana to put myself closer to home, making dinner with my children tonight feasible.

Leaving the small town of Wallace this morning I headed west on interstate 90 through Coeur d’Alene and Spokane and then south and west on highway 395 and 97 to Goldendale, Washington. Although I did enjoy the vistas of rolling hills and blue skies, my primary focus was reflecting on all that I had to be grateful for, especially the kindness of others. So many friends, family members, and even strangers helped me with mechanical problems, faulty gear, housing needs, food, and touring tips this summer, making my trip especially memorable.

Arriving in Goldendale, I treated myself to lunch at the Dirty Cowgirl, a favorite eatery of mine. The brisket was moist, tender, and flavorful and the homemade baked beans and buttery mashed potatoes tasted like desserts. While eating I finished a good book and soaked up the warm sun.

Getting on the bike after lunch, I was so excited to be coming home to my children and also to be riding along the Columbia Gorge. I love both the north and south routes along the Gorge but started out on highway 14 on the north side today since it is a little more sheltered from the wind. I was captivated and delighted with the familiar shimmery blue waters of the Columbia River, the sparkling white clouds in the blue sky, and the brown and red cliffs and hills.

I was fortunate to have several wonderful days with my daughter in San Diego a few days ago. My other two children were waiting for me at home today to welcome me. They presented me with a sweet treat and flowers and both boys and their girlfriends joined me for a delicious meal at Bollywood Theater downtown. I was especially touched that they took the time to ask me about my trip and to tell me about their recent adventures. I am so very blessed.


August 29 - Lolo Pass - It’s about the Ride, not the Destination