August 24 - Leo Carrillo State Park and the Fourth Corner

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I love the California coast! I have so many fond memories of playing on the beach as a young child and with my own children there as well. It is truly hard to beat the blue skies, warm sun, soft sand, and gentle breezes. Today’s ride took me south almost to the border of Mexico and then north along the coastline to Leo Carrillo State Park before heading to Ventura for one of the best meals of my trip.

After picking up my bike at San Diego Harley Davidson I headed south to San Ysidro to informally mark the fourth corner of my “Four Corners” trip. I paid very close attention to the exit signs as I had been warned by more than one person if I missed my exit I would end up in Mexico.

I snapped a quick photo at the post office and then plotted my path north. It was exhilarating to ride, knowing that my battery woes have been addressed – I have two new power sources added to my bike, giving me confidence my phone’s navigation system will have all the juice it needs.

I skirted around the heavy traffic in Los Angeles before heading up the coastline on state route 1. The trip brought back so many positive memories of the times I took the same route with my own children to go camping at Leo Carrillo State Park or exploring in Santa Barbara.

The day could not have been nicer – it was warm enough to feel the sun but not so hot that it was uncomfortable. The heavy haze of pollution and smoke lifted as I got closer to the ocean, giving me wonderful views of blue skies, rocky cliffs, ocean waves, and sandy beaches.

I stopped at Leo Carrillo to relax in the sun, admire the ocean, and reminisce about vacations there with my three children. The beach is about 1.5 miles long and is filled with cliffs, caves, and tidepools. It is a popular spot for swimming, surfing, and exploring on the beach.

After getting my fill of the fresh ocean air and beautiful views, I headed north to the Taj Café in Ventura. I had thoroughly enjoyed my meal there two years ago and was hoping the meal would be equally delicious this time. The food ended up being even better! I was blown away by the rack of lamb tandoori. The meat was barbequed with yogurt, garlic, papaya, and pomegranate juice in an Indian clay oven and served with vegetable korma and garlic nan. Wow! The lamb was fresh, moist, lightly breaded, and flavorful – perhaps the best I have ever had. The garlic nan was buttery, flavorful, soft in the middle and crispy around the edges – perfect for dipping in the mango chutney sauce and yogurt sauces I was given. It was well worth the trip. Another great day on the road!


August 25 - Big Sur and Conzelman Road


August 21-23 - Fun in the Sun in San Diego