July 3 - Book Signing at Sound Harley

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What an incredible day! The book signing at Sound Harley Davidson was a huge success, with my biggest turn out ever. A big thanks to Tatum at the dealership, the Sound Harley HOG group, the Riderettes, and loyal customers from all over Washington who came over to say hello, share stories, and talk about motorcycle adventures. One supportive customer brought two friends for me to meet and then purchased two additional books to hand out to two other friends. What a blessing! Another customer gave me twice the money that was owed for the book and told me to get an extra tank of gas on him. Wow! Yet another group offered to pray for me and my safety on my trip. Awesome! I was particularly touched by JoJo’s story. JoJo is a young girl who is unable to travel due to medical conditions but loves to follow motorcylists on their adventures through her facebook page. I sent her one of what I hope will be many messages. After the signing was over, Grant Myers not only delivered a new gas cap to replace the one that was defective on my bike but also joined me for lunch before I headed east. I’ll post separately about my ride for today as it was AMAZING and deserves its own write-up!


July 4 - From River to River Heading East to Glacier


July 3 - Highway 20 through Cascades National Park