August 7 - Arkansas Backroads as Rejuvenating as a Day at the Spa!

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Arkansas backroads are awesome! After spending time heading north from Ozark to Harrison on my way to St. Louis Missouri today, I feel just like I had a day at the spa—the experience was relaxing, restorative, and peaceful. The route was interesting and full of curves, twists, and turns but required little in the way of concentration since the roads were in great condition and the curves were not that tight. So rather than focus on the technical aspects of driving I could just enjoy the wind in my face, sing, and think about all the things I have to be grateful for.

From Ozark I briefly headed east on I-40 and then turned north on highway 21, which runs parallel to the more well-known highway 23 (Pig Trail). This route had a lot of the same beautiful views of winding country roads, tree covered lanes, and valleys and hills. What a treat!

From there I headed east on highway 16 and then north on highway 7. In some ways, I preferred highway 7 over the Pig Trail. This road has more wide-sweeping vistas including a wonderful view of Arkansas’s “Grand Canyon,” the deepest canyon in the Ozarks. I have the same feeling about Arkansas that I do about Tennessee – it has consistently good riding that leaves me wanting more.

Arriving in St. Louis I met my nephew, Tom Clubb, for dinner at Tai Ke Shabu Shabu, a Taiwanese restaurant in Olivette Missouri. We shared a “Three Cup Chicken” dish with garlic as well as the stir fried bok choy. Both were fresh, flavorful, and expertly seasoned. Afterwards, we went to the Asian dessert place next door, and I ordered a matcha milk tea with lychee fruit at the bottom as well as a homemade coconut pudding made inside a fresh coconut. The food was absolutely delightful and the time with my nephew even more delightful.


August 8 and 9 - Whole Again Thanks to the Kindness of Others


August 6 - Pig Trail and More!